SAT Writing Practice Test 83 with Answer Keys AMBIPi

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  • In the passage below is accompanied by a number of questions.
  • For some questions, you need to think how the passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas.
  • For other questions, you will consider how the passage might be edited to correct errors in sentence structure, usage, or punctuation.
  • Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage.
  • Other questions will direct you to a location in a passage or ask you to think about the passage as a whole.

SAT Writing & Language Section Passage

SAT Writing Practice Test Passage Title: Preserving America

In the late nineteenth century, unchecked vandalism and plundering of ethnic artifacts brought many Native American ruins and cultural sites to the brink of permanent destruction. 1  President Theodore Roosevelt wanted to preserve these invaluable locations. He signed the American Antiquities Act on June 8, 1906. A sweeping piece of legislation, the act granted unprecedented and nearly unrestricted presidential authority to circumvent Congressional approval and protect public land deemed to be of historic, scientific, or cultural significance with a “National Monument” designation and accompanying federal management. According to many historians, the Antiquities Act  have been one of the most important steps taken toward preserving cultural artifacts and sites. The act also, however, posed some serious problems, which should not be forgotten.

It’s true that the act was groundbreaking public policy  3  legislation, it created the first legal protection for any cultural or natural resources in the United States, indicating a significant shift in the treatment of American heritage sites. Devils Tower, a geologic feature in Wyoming and a sacred site for the Lakota and numerous other Native American tribes, was Roosevelt’s first designated monument, and seventeen more  4  have followed  before 1909.

 5  With this in mind, places such as Chaco Canyon, 5 situated in New Mexico, also came under the purview of the federal government. The valley contains stunning examples of ancient Puebloan engineering and architectural  6  feats: multi-level houses, massive stone buildings, water control systems, and communication devices  The Antiquities Act forever protected these sites, and others, as educational centers for everyone and as sacred locations for native cultures.

 8  After the act’s passage, permits for any archaeological work were required, with the stipulation that all collected artifacts would be publicly displayed for all to enjoy In the eyes of many Native Americans, the expeditious process of preserving land under the Act enabled federally sanctioned pillaging of ancestral sites, revocation of their tribal rights and sovereignty, and widespread cultural imperialism. Joe E. Watkins, who is a Choctaw Indian and an archaeologist, believes that, in part, the act was “a continuation of government policies that were aimed at erasing the image of the contemporary American Indian from the landscape…” More recent legislation, particularly the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (1990),  9  has been passed by the government to remedy the government’s past malfeasance by returning funerary objects, cultural items, and remains to tribes.

The government is continuing to work with Native groups 10 to strengthen protective laws. Even with its shortcomings,   10  the continued preservation of invaluable locales was made possible by the Antiquities Act of 1906. Supporters maintain that it broadened public interest in Native American heritage and prevented the complete destruction of ancient sites.  11  

SAT Writing Practice Test Questions

Question No 1

Which choice most effectively combines the underlined sentences?

Option A : To preserve these invaluable locations, President Theodore Roosevelt signed the American Antiquities Act on June 8, 1906.

Option B : To preserve these invaluable places, on June 8, 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt signed the American Antiquities Act which protected the locations.

Option C : It was June 8, 1906, when President Theodore Roosevelt signed the American Antiquities Act because he wanted to protect these invaluable locations.

Option D : Signing the American Antiquities Act on June 9, 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt wanted to preserve these invaluable locations with the act.


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Option A : To preserve these invaluable locations, President Theodore Roosevelt signed the American Antiquities Act on June 8, 1906.

Question No 2

Which of the following options is the most effective?

Option A : No Change

Option B : are

Option C : were

Option D : was


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Option D : was

Question No 3

Which choice provides the most effectively transition to the information that follows?

Option A : No Change

Option B : legislation: it created

Option C : legislation; creating

Option D : legislation—and creating


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Option B : legislation: it created

Question No 4

Which choice results in the most effective transition to the information that follows in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : followed

Option C : will follow

Option D : follow


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Option B : followed

Question No 5

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : As a result of the act,

Option C : In contrast

Option D : For this reason,


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Option B : As a result of the act,

Question No 6

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : feats: multi-level houses massive stone buildings

Option C : feats; multi-level houses, massive stone buildings,

Option D : feats: multi-level houses; massive stone buildings;


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Option A : No Change

Question No 7

At this point, the writer wants to provide another example of cultural artifacts preserved by the Antiquities Act. Which choice best accomplishes this goal?

Option A : Tonto National Monument in Arizona preserved the exquisite textiles, polychrome pottery, and cliff dwellings created from the thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries by the Salado culture. 

Option B : The establishment of Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona protected the 225 million year old fossils of fallen trees, ferns, giant reptiles, large amphibians, and early dinosaurs.

Option C : Muir Woods, located just north of San Francisco, California, preserved 240 acres of old growth Coast Redwood forests, one of the few remaining areas containing such incredible ecological features and bio-diversity

Option D : Chaco Canyon was also designated an International Dark Sky Park in 2013, preserving its natural darkness for perfect stargazing conditions and committing the park to the further reduction of light pollution


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Option A : Tonto National Monument in Arizona preserved the exquisite textiles, polychrome pottery, and cliff dwellings created from the thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries by the Salado culture. 

Question No 8

Which choice most effectively establishes the central claim of the ensuing paragraph?

Option A : NO CHANGE

Option B : The act’s presumption that certain Native American artifacts and sacred sites would be safer under the the purview of the federal government raised—and continues to raise—strong objections.

Option C : Unlike the process of establishing a National Park, this process granted the president nearly unchecked authority to preserve land as a National Monument eliminating the need for Congressional or any other approval.

Option D : Preserving prehistoric artifacts, primarily from Native American cultures, was the central focus of the legislation, so the government seized control of all excavations on protected land.


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Option B : The act’s presumption that certain Native American artifacts and sacred sites would be safer under the the purview of the federal government raised—and continues to raise—strong objections.

Question No 9

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : attempted to remedy past governmental malfeasance by returning federally owned funerary objects, cultural items, and remains to tribes

Option C : required the federal government to begin the process of returning federally owned Native American funerary objects, cultural items, and remains to tribes in order to remedy the government’s past malfeasance.

Option D : dictated the government return Native Americans’ funerary objects, cultural items, and remains that the government possesses to remedy past governmental malfeasance.


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Option B : attempted to remedy past governmental malfeasance by returning federally owned funerary objects, cultural items, and remains to tribes

Question No 10

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : the Antiquities Act of 1906 made the continued preservation of invaluable locales possible.

Option C : invaluable locales were saved from destruction and their continued preservation was made possible.

Option D : the destruction of invaluable locales was prevented with the Antiquities Act of 1906, and it ensured continued preservation of such sites.


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Option B : the Antiquities Act of 1906 made the continued preservation of invaluable locales possible.

Question No 11

The writer wants a conclusion that asserts the main argument of the passage. Which choice best accomplishes this goal?

Option A : Further vandalism and pillaging of ethnic artifacts was prevented by the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, so future generations could enjoy Chaco Canyon.

Option B : The Antiquities Act was responsible for granting the president of the United States never-before seen levels of power.

Option C : With the Antiquities Act, Theodore Roosevelt solidified his legacy as a leading conservationist and paved the way for future presidents.

Option D : While the Antiquities Act has helped preserve invaluable cultural heritage for generations to come, the complications inherent in this legislation, though, need also to be acknowledged.


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Option D : While the Antiquities Act has helped preserve invaluable cultural heritage for generations to come, the complications inherent in this legislation, though, need also to be acknowledged.

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