SAT Reading and Writing Prep Test 36 with Answer Keys AMBIPi

Hi SAT Aspirants, welcome to AKVTutorials. As you know SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standard test, used for taking admission to undergraduate programs of universities or colleges of United States. SAT is developed and published by the College Board, an organization in United States, administered by the Educational Testing Service. Therefore, you need to do practice on SAT Reading Section, SAT Writing and Language Section. In this article, you will get SAT Reading and Writing Prep Test 36 with Answer Keys AMBIPiT
Grammar Book


  • In the passage below is accompanied by a number of questions.
  • For some questions, you need to think how the passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas.
  • For other questions, you will consider how the passage might be edited to correct errors in sentence structure, usage, or punctuation.
  • Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage.
  • Other questions will direct you to a location in a passage or ask you to think about the passage as a whole.

SAT Writing & Language Section Passage

SAT Writing Passage Title: Head Wounds.

As a kid, my brother was a magnet for injury. He broke his leg when he was a year old trying to climb off of  our parent’s bed. When he was two, he tipped a pot of hot water over and burned his arm. When he was three, he  spilled an entire carton of milk on the floor. But it was the head wounds that I remember the most.

Our dad is a doctor, so the first time James cracked his head open, Dad didn’t seem worried at all. A toddler at the time,  the back of James’s scalp had been punctured by falling backwards onto a doorstep. Dad calmly applied a gauze compress and then cleaned the wound. He didn’t have his stitching kit with him, so he just twirled hairs  4  together. These hairs were on either side of the wound. He tied them together tightly over the cut, putting a tiny dab of superglue just under the knot to hold it in place.  5 

The next time it happened, my mom and I were the only ones at home. James was about  four, and he and I were riding bikes down the hill in front of our house. He fell off his bike and hit his forehead on a sharp rock. The blood kept coming, running down his face as I got him inside and yelled for our mom. It pooled on the floor next to him as we tried to stanch it with a  dishcloth, and it made me almost faint.

We got him to the emergency room, but no one there seemed that worried. Dad showed up, and he wasn’t worried either. It turns out that head wounds  which tend to bleed a lot due to the high numbers of blood vessels in that part of the body. A high volume of blood actually  help sweep contaminants away from the wound,  10  decreasing the risk of infection by 10%. Cuts to the head may look scary, but they usually are   11  no big deals unless they are accompanied by a concussion.

SAT Writing & Language Practice Questions

Question No 1

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : our parents’

Option C : their parents’

Option D : their parent’s


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Option B : our parents’

because Parents is plural so we need the apostrophe after the s.

Question No 2

Which of the following options is the most effective?

Option A : No Change

Option B : learned the counting system and the names of different colors.

Option C : slept with a night light to fend off imaginary monsters under the bed.

Option D : stepped on a fallen nest and was swarmed by hornets.


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Option D : stepped on a fallen nest and was swarmed by hornets.

because The brother was a magnet for injury. Answer D is the only one that involves an injury.

Question No 3

Which choice provides the most effectively transition to the information that follows?

Option A : No Change

Option B : James had punctured the back of his scalp

Option C : a puncture to the back of James’s scalp was made

Option D : James’s scalp was punctured in the back


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Option B : James had punctured the back of his scalp

because Modifier error. James needs to be next to the modifier at the start of the sentence.

Question No 4

Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences at the underlined portion?

Option A : together so these hairs were

Option B : together

Option C : together, being 

Option D : together; those were


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Option B : together

because Answer B is the most concise. Answers A and D use unnecessary pronouns. Answer C is awkward.

Question No 5

At this point, the writer is considering adding the following sentence.

The wound healed nicely after just one week.

Should the writer make this addition?

Option A : Yes, because it provides an important result that concludes the paragraph.

Option B : Yes, because it gives a sense of how long wounds typically take to heal. 

Option C : No, because it interrupts the discussion of the medical treatment James received.

Option D : No, because it should be placed earlier in the passage.


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Option A : Yes, because it provides an important result that concludes the paragraph.

because The given sentence tells the reader what eventually happened after the accident.

Question No 6

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No change 

Option B : four; and

Option C : four,

Option D : four as


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Option A : No change

because Use the comma and conjunction and to connect two independent clauses.

Question No 7

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : dishcloth, almost fainting.

Option C : dishcloth-I almost fainted.

Option D : dishcloth, I almost fainted.


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Option C : dishcloth-I almost fainted.

because Answer A is wordy and passive. Answer D is a run-on. Answer C is active and best expresses the dramatic feeling being described

Question No 8

The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. Should the sentence be kept or deleted?

Option A : No change 

Option B : that

Option C : are

Option D : DELETE the underlined portion.


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Option D : DELETE the underlined portion. The singular subject, a high volume, requires the singular verb helps

because Answers A and B result in sentence fragments. Answer C leads to an ungrammatical double-verb.

Question No 9

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : helps

Option C : helping

Option D : helped


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Option B : helps

because The singular subject, a high volume, requires the singular verb helps.

Question No 10

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : reducing the risk of death by 25%.

Option C : reducing the risk of infection by 30%.

Option D : decreasing the risk of death but increasing the risk of infection.


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Option C : reducing the risk of infection by 30%.

because For a low volume of blood, the risk of infection is 40%. For a high volume, it’s 10%. The risk of infection is decreased by 30%.

Question No 11

Which choice completes the sentence with accurate data based on the graph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : not serious

Option C : trifling matters

Option D : things of no importance


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Option B : not serious

because Answer B best maintains the tone and style of the passage. Answers A and D are too informal. Answer C uses inflated language.

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