Hi SAT Aspirants, welcome to AKVTutorials. As you know SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standard test, used for taking admission to undergraduate programs of universities or colleges of United States. SAT is developed and published by the College Board, an organization in United States, administered by the Educational Testing Service. Therefore, you need to do practice on SAT Reading Section, SAT Writing and Language Section. In this article, you will get SAT Reading and Writing Practice Test 74 with Answer Keys AMBIPi.
- In the passage below is accompanied by a number of questions.
- For some questions, you need to think how the passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas.
- For other questions, you will consider how the passage might be edited to correct errors in sentence structure, usage, or punctuation.
- Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage.
- Other questions will direct you to a location in a passage or ask you to think about the passage as a whole.
SAT Writing & Language Section Passage
SAT Reading and Writing Practice Test Passage Title: The Creation of Treasure Island
1 Treasure Island, today a suburban community, was originally created for the 1939 World’s 2 Fair. The World’s Fair was a celebration of international culture and technology. In the midst of the economic uncertainties of the Great Depression, Treasure Island and its accompanying fair offered a glimpse of optimism and provided San Francisco a platform from which to showcase its latest innovations.
At the beginning of the 1930s 3 San Francisco along with the rest of the country was reeling from the effects of the Great Depression. Looking for an opportunity to improve San Francisco’s economy, the city’s politicians
4 were seizing upon the idea of hosting a World’sFair. 5 They reasoned that a platform for global attention and tourism would draw business, and that the construction of the fair would also create jobs., Leland W. Cutler, a local business leader, was appointed president of the committee tasked with seeking funding for the project. Cutler found a funding solution in US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration. To help get Americans who had lost their livelihoods back to 6 work. President Roosevelt established the New Deal programs in 1933. One of these programs, the Works Progress Administration (WPA), created jobs mainly in the form of public works projects, such as constructing bridges and other 7 building-related New Deal infrastructure projects. The WPA awarded Cutler a $5 million grant for the World’s Fair project. [1] Workers built a rock sea wall and filled it with 29 million cubic yards of mud and sand from the depths of the bay and the Sacramento River Delta. [2] The planning committee chose to locate the fair on the Yerba Buena Shoals, a sandbank submerged under shallow water in the middle of the San Francisco Bay. [3] With all of this material,they were able to build the island to a mere 13 feet above 8sea level. [4] It was named Treasure Island as a tribute to California’s Gold they were able to build the island to a mere 13 feet above 8 sea level. [4] It was named Treasure Island as a tribute to California’s Gold 8 ARush—the economic venture, that had allowed the state to succeed early in its history 9 Seventeen million people visited the fair during 10 its two-year run from February 18 to October 29, 1939, and
May 25 to September 29, 1940.
11 Thousands of workers earned jobs, both through the construction of the island and at the Fair itself. The influx of tourists also generated funds for businesses in the city and allowed San Francisco to exhibit two of its newest accomplishments, the Bay Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge, on a global scale.

SAT Reading and Writing Practice Test Questions
Question No 1
Which choice best introduces the passage?
Option A : Programs instituted by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt during the Great Depression continue to benefit Americans to this day.
Option B : In the middle of the San Francisco Bay sits a 400- acre island that, 80 years ago, did not exist.
Option C : In the wake of the Great Depression, San Francisco’s leaders came to a crucial decision about presenting the city’s technological innovations.
Option D : The World’s Fairs had a significant impact on culture and technology sharing in the 20th century
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Option B : In the middle of the San Francisco Bay sits a 400- acre island that, 80 years ago, did not exist.
Question No 2
Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?
Option A : Fair, and
Option B : Fair; this fair was
Option C : Fair,
Option D : Fair, and the World’s Fair was
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Option C : Fair,
Question No 3
Which choice provides the most effectively transition to the information that follows?
Option A : No Change
Option B : San Francisco, along with the rest of the country
Option C : San Francisco, (along with the rest of the country),
Option D : San Francisco (along with the rest of the country)
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Option D : San Francisco (along with the rest of the country)
Question No 4
Which choice results in the most effective transition to the information that follows in the paragraph?
Option A : No Change
Option B : seized
Option C : had been seizing
Option D : are seizing
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Option B : seized
Question No 5
The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. Should the writer make this deletion?
Option A : Yes, because the sentence provides information irrelevant to the subject of the essay.
Option B : Yes, because the sentence distracts from the main purpose of the paragraph.
Option C : No, because the sentence answers a question raised in the previous paragraph
Option D : No, because the sentence highlights the motivations behind the subjects’ actions.
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Option D : No, because the sentence highlights the motivations behind the subjects’ actions.
Question No 6
Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?
Option A : No Change
Option B : work. President Roosevelt establishing
Option C : work, President Roosevelt established
Option D : work, President Roosevelt establishing
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Option C : work, President Roosevelt established
Question No 7
Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?
Option A : No Change
Option B : infrastructure projects that created jobs.
Option C : infrastructure projects as part of Roosevelt’s New Deal programs.
Option D : infrastructure.
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Option D : infrastructure.
Question No 8
Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?
Option A : NO CHANGE
Option B : Rush; the economic venture
Option C : Rush—the economic venture
Option D : Rush; the economic venture,
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Option C : Rush—the economic venture
Question No 9
To make the paragraph most logical, sentence 2 should be placed
Option A : where it is now.
Option B : before sentence 1.
Option C : after sentence 3.
Option D : after sentence 4.
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Option B : before sentence 1.
Question No 10
Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?
Option A : No Change
Option B : their
Option C : it’s
Option D : they’re
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Option A : No Change
Question No 11
The writer wants to include accurate, relevant data from the graph. Which choice best accomplishes this purpose?
Option A : Attendance numbers were low compared to some of the other fairs, but the 1939 San Francisco fair did welcome more attendees than some others.
Option B : Chicago held one of the highest World’s Fair attendances
Option C : The San Francisco attendance numbers paled in comparison to New York’s attendance in 1939: an impressive 45 million.
Option D : The 1915 World’s Fair in San Francisco hosted about 2 million more visitors than the city’s 1939 fair.
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Option A : Attendance numbers were low compared to some of the other fairs, but the 1939 San Francisco fair did welcome more attendees than some others.